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This is a Tadao Ando Architecture who is an architect and the designer of the Asia University Art Museum. The exhibition is composed of three groups. The first group displays the design process of the Asia University Art Museum up until its completion through photographs, models and Tadao Ando’s original sketches. It shows that architecture required long period of time through many studies, examinations and enthusiasm of many people to reach its completion. The second group displays some of the museums which Mr. Ando designed around the world through his career as an architect up until now. For every museum design his approach is to create a space specifically for the relationship between the art and the architecture for individual project. The third group displays the drawings of the Urban Egg in Nakanoshima project in 1988. This is an unbuilt project, not led to realization. However, the courage and the passion of him continuously challenging without giving up is the message to the young generation.
1987年台灣社會解除戒嚴。解嚴以後的臺灣當代藝術,在媒材、題材與觀點上,都是果實纍纍的大豐收。第一個特色:媒材的解放。從1980年代中期以來,臺灣開始大量出現裝置藝術、觀念藝術與行為藝術,而90年代中期以來又延伸到錄像藝術、科技藝術,以及如今的數位藝術。第二個特色:題材的解放。隨著80年代臺灣公民意識的抬頭,藝術家也開始將創作題材從個人議題延伸到社會議題,包涵族群、性別與階級議題。第三個特色:觀點的解放。所謂觀點,就是觀看的方式、位置與角度。解嚴以後,從初期的直接批判,直到如今的嘲諷戲謔,可謂眾聲喧嘩。 本展將臺灣解嚴以後的當代藝術做了一個縮影呈現。選擇了兩個大類的藝術作品,分別是平面作品與錄像作品。第一類平面作品,布置於本館2樓的第1展覽室,總共20位藝術家的作品,其中包括油畫、素描、版畫、水墨、釘畫、攝影、數位輸出與複合媒材。第二類錄像作品,布置於3樓的第9展覽室,總共2位藝術家的作品。我們期待,透過這個展覽來呈現臺灣當代藝術的反省力與創造力,並提供更為多元的觀點去探討真實。