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本館關注兒童藝術教育的重要性,特闢「小荳畫廊」作為孕育幼苗的區域,進行兒童藝術教育的長期規劃發展。 首展以《小小建築師之夢》來對應偉大建築的源頭——「夢想」。兒童建築教育比一般的繪畫、雕塑等兒童美育難度更高,但卻最貼近生活和生命,《小小建築師之夢》讓小朋友們自己動手來建造屋子——微形如雕塑般的房子,讓孩童從小就能認識建築,領會建築之美,促成台灣未來建築景觀的改觀。 透過從小紮根的藝術教育,期許未來新生代,不僅「人人都是藝術家」,也要「人人都是建築師」,以兼具感性與理性,藝術與技術。這樣的能力,得從小培養,這正是《小小建築師之夢》展覽舉辦的另一個夢想。
This is a Tadao Ando Architecture who is an architect and the designer of the Asia University Art Museum. The exhibition is composed of three groups. The first group displays the design process of the Asia University Art Museum up until its completion through photographs, models and Tadao Ando’s original sketches. It shows that architecture required long period of time through many studies, examinations and enthusiasm of many people to reach its completion. The second group displays some of the museums which Mr. Ando designed around the world through his career as an architect up until now. For every museum design his approach is to create a space specifically for the relationship between the art and the architecture for individual project. The third group displays the drawings of the Urban Egg in Nakanoshima project in 1988. This is an unbuilt project, not led to realization. However, the courage and the passion of him continuously challenging without giving up is the message to the young generation.