青春無限 Forever Young

  • Event Date: 2015-08-08 Sat 11:35 ~ 2016-01-31 Sun 18:00
  • Past
  • Speaker:  /  Host:
    Place: 展覽室:※ B




The youthful spirit does not only exist in a particular time spectrum. It is not shown in the appearance of one’s body. The youthful spirit is an attitude towards life. It is an endless supply of kinetic energy towards our perception and appreciation towards art. The youthful spirit gives us energy to be brave, to rebel, to explore and to create new possibilities in life. In the kingdom of youthful spirits, there is no consistency. It shares the oblivion of a young child who hasn’t experienced a reason for fear. This energy has no purpose, which allows everything to be perceived as a possibility. The youthful spirit acts as an endless supply of energy, and when it is accepted as a state of mind, the possibilities are endless. The youthful spirit means this abundance and exuberance of life’s energies. Its outward signs show a particular brilliancy, ideas of artworks are freely played with agility, like singing preferred to speech, running instead of walking. It’s an inner vitality that demands outlet.

Forever Young is an exhibition that features artworks from internationally famous artists such as, Nick Dong, Charwei Tsai, Nara Yoshitomo and Li Hongbo, who takes us on a journey beyond limitations. All from different backgrounds, different countries and different artistic styles with one similar goal, to push beyond conventional boundaries.